Fidget Walkers

CocoSnap fidget clickers generate excessively loud noises for their small size. They are good for imitating Monty Python coconut horse trotting, if you are light in the wallet and can’t afford the real deal. They sound like finger snaps, but can rapid-fire like no human can. Thus “CocoSnap”.

Fratchets are fidget ratchets without mechanical springs. Instead they are powered by magnets. But they do feel and sound like socket wrenches, cog rattle, and ratchet strap buckles. Some describe the experience of nudging fratchets as similar to dialing a combination lock on a safe. Others imagine zip ties being tightened, or handcuffs being closed around objects.

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Fidget Ice Packs

Ice Gourd is the first fidget ice pack produced, ever. There has been nothing like it before. It addresses a need from musicians, sportspeople, craftspeople and chefs which were answered in the past with superglue and duct tape. It brings instant relief to your fingers from the pain your craft imposes on them. You will develop hardened skin instead of blisters. And you may find soothing cold from these ice packs comforting for relieving stress, even when not treating finger pain.