You can print everything found on this page for personal use. Feel free to build on them as well for non-commercial uses. They go under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. See the Licensing section.

Printing Clickers

CocoSnap fidget clickers generate excessively loud noises for their small size. They are quite simple: a bunch of 3d-printed parts snapped together to capture magnets inside them. Some very smart people say you can’t make fidgets simpler than these.

Head over to Printing Clickers.

Printing Fratchets

Fratchets are fidget ratchets without mechanical springs. Instead they are powered by magnets. But they do feel and sound like socket wrenches, cog rattle, and ratchet strap buckles. Some describe the experience of nudging fratchets as similar to dialing a combination lock on a safe. Others imagine zip ties being tightened, or handcuffs being closed around objects.

Head over to Printing Fratchets.

Printing Elevators

A Fidget Elevator is in essence four CocoSnap clickers bound together by two end pieces. These clickers compete for the attention of the one pet marble imprisoned inside. Only one clicker can engage and walk the pet. If, however, a clicker’s control peg is parked at either ends of the elevator, then some other clicker may kidnap the pet marble and walk away with it.

Head over to Printing Elevators.


Fidget Walkers © 2023 by Kool Fingers is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit

Utility patent applications for fidget walkers and related concepts have been filed. Some are early-published and can be found at As already covered in our applications, these haptic fidgets are also applicable in a variety of fields including percussion instruments, underwater switches, magnetic locks, tabletop games, and even automated machineries.

Therefore, in addition to “CC BY-NC-SA 4.0”, all 3D models published here, their future derivations by third-parties, as well as non-derivative work are also covered by pre-issuance provisional rights, as long as the fidget walker concept applies. While you are free to create and print derivative designs, you must not commercialize them without our agreement.